The Schilling Words of women and men against discrimination and gender-based violence. «For there is a spot the size of a shilling at the back of the head which one can never see for oneself.» (Virginia Woolf)
Lorenzo Gasparrini Diventare uomini. Relazioni maschili senza oppressioni (Becoming Men. Men's Relationships Without Oppressions. NEW EDITION)
Stefania Prandi Le conseguenze. I femminicidi e lo sguardo di chi resta (The Consequences. Femicides and the Gaze of Those Who Remain)
Stefania Prandi Oro rosso. Fragole, pomodori, molestie e sfruttamento nel Mediterraneo (Red Gold. Strawberries, Tomatoes, Harassment and Explotation in the Mediterranean Sea)
Monica Lanfranco Donne dentro. Detenute e agenti di polizia penitenziaria raccontano (Locked Up Women. Detained Women and Penitentiary Police Agents Share Their Story)
Graziella Priulla La libertà difficile delle donne. Ragionando di corpi e di poteri (The Difficult Freedom of Women. Reasoning About Bodies and Power)
Graziella Priulla Parole tossiche. Cronache di ordinario sessismo (Toxic Words. Chronicles of Ordinary Sexism)