For centuries all we knew about History of ancient Greek and Roman civilizations was about famous men, forgetting any other people: women, children, slaves, and strangers. But nowadays, like detectives ready to reopen the case, we can question the official interpretation and find a new look of the past, a plural inclusive investigation to tell about the rest of humanity. In order to do that, we are going to travel in Europe, Africa, Asia, and we’ll meet many famous people and also less known ones, which nevertheless have had a place in the humankind History.
Inside the book: glossary and QR CODE from which downloading educational equipment and further information for teachers and educators.
The series “Storie nella Storia”, edited by SIS – Italian Association of Women Historians– proposes boys and girls a new way of learning history, able to weave together gestures of women and men, to give value to relations and differences, and to contribute to the building of a better common world.